Green tea fights breast cancer: The experts explain how
12/18/2015 / By Julie Wilson / Comments
Green tea fights breast cancer: The experts explain how

Considered the healthiest drink in the world, green tea is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that give your body fuel and the boost it needs to fight off disease, while maintaining overall good health. Green tea helps improve brain function and increases fat burning. It can also lower your risk for developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease and provides cancer fighting abilities.

The antioxidants found in green tea help protect against a variety of cancers, including breast, prostate and colorectal cancer, says Authority Nutrition. In fact, countless studies indicate that avid green tea drinkers have an overall lower risk for developing various cancers.(1)

Written by Bill Sardi, You Don’t Have to Be Afraid of Cancer Anymore explains how nature can beat Big Pharma’s drugs any day, with green tea being no exception.(2) Sardi writes:

 It has been estimated that a daily consumption of 10 Japanese-size cups of green tea results in delayed cancer onset. Even five cups of green tea a day has been shown to delay the onset of breast cancer. Researchers now suggest green tea, by virtue of its ability to inhibit TNF, could be used before the onset of cancer as well as during and after conventional cancer treatment.

Green tea extracts (0.1%) added to drinking water of animals has been shown to block TNF production in animals.

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is one of several proteins capable of inducing cell death, and in fact is a “double dealer,” meaning that it can both promote and kill tumors. But research shows that blocking its action can be beneficial for treating cancer, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis and more.

Other experts agree. Authors Lester A. Mitscher and Victoria Dolby wrote in their book entitled The Green Tea Book: China’s Fountain of Youth that green tea does in fact lower a woman’s risk for developing breast cancer.(3) The following is a snippet from their book:

Epidemiologists suggested a link between green tea and a lower risk of breast cancer after noticing that the risk of breast cancer in Japanese women who moved to the United States and adopted an American diet quickly rose from the very low risk for women in Japan to the much higher risk of an average American woman. It seems to follow that American women could lower their chances of becoming breast cancer statistics by emulating Japanese women and including green tea in their diets.

Laboratory studies into the relationship between green tea and breast cancer indicate that green tea extracts, and EGCG in particular, inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells in mice. The tea extracts accomplish this by interacting with tumor promoters, hormones, and growth factors to “seal off” the cancer cells. EGCG also slows the growth of breast cancer cells that would otherwise tend to grow abnormally fast, thereby contributing to the spread of the cancer.

The benefits of green tea and its ability to combat breast cancer is further noted in Selene Yeager’s book The Doctors Book of Food Remedies: The Latest Findings on the Power of Food to Treat and Prevent Health Problems – From Aging and Diabetes to Ulcers and Yeast Infections.(4)

Yeager writes:

Research suggests that having 4 small cups of tea a day can substantially lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. Asians drink tea by the potful, which may explain their robust good health.

Tea contains potent antioxidant compounds called phenols, which protect the body from disease. In a study of 552 men, researchers in the Netherlands found that those who drank about 5 cups of black tea a day had about one-third the risk of stroke of those drinking fewer than 2% cups. Green tea, the kind preferred in Eastern countries, has even more antioxidant power than black tea.

A meta-analysis (or a type of study that evaluates the results of many previous studies) of studies on green tea conducted at the University of Minnesota found that those who drank the most green tea had a 22 percent lower risk of breast cancer. Several studies from Japan and China have shown an association between greater green tea consumption and lower risk of stomach cancer.








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