Let go of conventional wisdom, in regards to food and medicine, to be unconventionally healthy
12/10/2015 / By healingartsnews / Comments
Let go of conventional wisdom, in regards to food and medicine, to be unconventionally healthy

The world is full of systems that have been developed to make our life safer, more convenient, and more economical. We have become reliant on many of these systems, and, as a result, we have lost our ability to take care of things ourselves.

If your goal this year is to become more self-sufficient in regaining and optimizing your health, then do your best to avoid these two systems as much as possible and incorporate solutions that give you back your power.

Conventional medical system

The conventional medical system has embraced an approach that delivers as much “poison” and as little healing as possible. Prescription drugs, surgeries, vaccines, and “kill all” therapies are the norm, and this ensures a revolving door to the hospital as patients continue to get sicker and more dependent on doctors in order to manage this circus of chemical cocktails.

This pattern indefinitely ensures that doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and medical equipment providers sit on a padded wallet as they milk your money and leave you enslaved to a system that is reminiscent of Hotel California (“You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!”).

If you want to become healthier and more self-reliant this year, you have to make a promise to yourself to avoid the toxic and malnourishing hospital system. Not only is it a failure at healing chronic disease, it is also expensive and dangerous.

The U.S. has the most expensive health care in the world and ranks dead last in quality of care among industrialized countries. Not only that, recent research has pointed out that up to 440,000 preventable deaths occur each year, which puts hospitals as the third leading cause of death, immediately after heart disease and cancer!

Add in antibiotic resistant superbugs, a dreary atmosphere, poor nutrition, EMF’s, a lack of vitamin D, and no grounding, and you can pretty much guarantee that any hospital visit will lead to a slow decline of your physical and mental faculties.

Conventional food system

For most people, at least in the beginning, it is very difficult to avoid the conventional food system completly. However, this doesn’t mean that you should not put an actionable plan in place to largely avoid it.

When you participate in the conventional food system, you are exposed to a wide variety of factors that have hampered the nutrition of food, or outright destroyed it. Quality is no longer important, as big agriculture strives to provide solutions to maximize quantity at the expense of quality nutrition.

The result of this new paradigm is depleted and chemically riddled soil, genetically modified organisms, antibiotic and hormone filled animal products, heavily processed (dead) food, and artificial preservatives and additives. A heavy reliance on this system will more than likely put you in the conventional medical system, and then you are officially on the “un-merry-go-round”.

This is not to argue that neither of these systems has their place. Conventional medical systems are important for accidents, injuries, and other life threatening situations that natural solutions can’t immediately fix. The conventional food system can be navigated if you have the proper knowledge to choose moderate to average nutrition.

However, if you want to become more self-reliant, and you realize that few care more about your health than you do, then you MUST strive to understand the lifestyle and natural solutions that keep you out of the conventional medical system, AND how to start to grow your own food to provide at least a portion of your dietary needs.

If self-reliance is a part of your bucket list for this year, then bookmark this list of Natural Remedies, and visit Advice From A Survivor – How To Live A Healthy Life to get started on your year of self-reliance!







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